Content Filter Support - Report website


You think this website has been sorted into the wrong category?
In order to help you quickly, we need the URL of the website you are trying to open.

A check of the website revealed that it is sorted into following categories:

  Category Description

What is the problem with this site?

Please select the category that you believe is wrong:

  Category Description

Please let us know why, you believe, the website has been sorted into the wrong category:

Also confirm our safety query:

Thank you for your proposal, we will take care of as soon as possible!

Please note that changes made by our editorial team will take a few hours to become active.

Your suggested correction has already been submitted by another user for review, and is therefore not transmitted again!

Website blocked by administrator!

The website you're trying to visit, is in a category blocked by your administrator.

Your administrator is responsible for the decision, which categories are blocked in your company.
If you need access to a blocked website, please contact the person in charge of IT-Administration.

Kind regards

Your Securepoint editorial Team
